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Showing posts from September, 2014


If Fight Club and The Hand That Rocks The Cradle had a really boring, emotionally stunted baby, it would be Proxy . Hands down one of the most boring, slowest paced movies I've had to sit through in a long time, this pointless piece of independent crap needs to be shelved and forgotten. I will note here, with some interest, that "birth horror" has really seen a boom in the past 5 years or so. Although I typically have a pulse on the social issues that create an increase in a particular horror topic, I'm not sure - aside from the renewed interest in grindhouse cinema - what's making everyone so hot for pregnancies these days. I'm also seeing an increased number of lesbian relationships in horror but, unfortunately, they are all truly, deeply, unhealthy relationships. Here you won't need to be a genius to track the roots of this trend. How fucking sad. So, I'm not sure I can explain Proxy in my typical one liner - try to follow along while I ...