Body horror ; something that effects each one of us as we are made of squishy, fallible, and finite flesh. Tackled many times in many ways throughout the years, body horror will stick with us until we finally learn to lose these weak, human bodies and begin existing in some other form. There are many lenses through which to view body horror, lets talk about a few quickly before talking about some specific films in this genre. Science and Technology We depend on technology, especially in regards to our flimsy, fleshy bodies. Hip replacements, new hearts, brain surgery, iron lungs, cheek implants, etc. We have limited abilities and a limited lifespan, so we lean on technology to increase both. But what happens when we take that melding of mechanical and organic too far ? Horror and scifi have taught us that going too far can lead to frighteningly devastating consequences and monstrous creations. ( Species , Robocop , Frankenstein , etc.) ...
these are movie musings for snarky movie nerds. there's always spoilers.