So, when I first posted this blog entry, my mom and I had been talking, a lot, about what makes a good movie: Is it good acting? More on this later. Good writing? Interesting characters? Nice sets? Good lighting? A well written score? Great directing? Good editing? (And pacing) Is it the "bits and pieces" or is it the whole darn thing? (The "sum of the parts", as it were). For me, a good movie must be 'good' on the whole, otherwise we're talking about a particularly good element. If the movie is crap but the acting is great, then the movie had good acting, but isn't a 'good movie.' And I'm certainly not saying that I can't enjoy a movie that has 'good elements' - I just won't call it a 'good movie.' The two biggest sticking points for me are usually story and acting, although I've also found that effects and production value are pretty close to the top of the list as well. Story A good ...
these are movie musings for snarky movie nerds. there's always spoilers.