This group of 15-ish year old girls comes in, "What's the scariest horror movie, ever?" I just look at them. One says, "Yeah... and we've seen them all." ... really? REALLY? You're really seen EVERY horror movie? Not even possible, Princess. So I walk over to the horror section with them trailing behind me and I ask, "know what subjective means?" They say nothing. I say, "Give me something to go on here. Are you looking for a ghost story? A slasher movie? What do you like?" One says, "I'll just read the boxes." SIDE NOTE: I'm doubtful her reading comprehension is good enough for her to learn anything from "reading the box." I walk away saying, "Why don't you try watching something made BEFORE 2000..." ::sigh:: So they finally settle on "Mirrors" - which you ALL know that I loved ... ugh. The other night... some douche comes in and insists that...
these are movie musings for snarky movie nerds. there's always spoilers.