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Some Life Changing Movie Recommendations

Some movies you watch because you're a miserable sucker who likes to torture themselves and then you hope to never have to watch them again - ever - as long as you live. That's most of the movies I review.

Some movies you watch because they are "classics" and bring something amazing to the table: great acting or writing or cinematography or some combination thereof and you feel like a better, more well-rounded connoisseur of the arts for having seen them.

Some movies you watch over and over again because they speak so loudly to you that they have literally changed your life in some way.

Since I rarely take the time to write about movies I truly love, today I'll share with you some movies that I consider life changing and should be on your "must watch" list, even if you've seen them before. Enjoy.

Fight Club

The story: An every day guy's life is turned upside down by a crazy man and a seductress.
The lesson: What other people think about you is irrelevant. Stop trying so hard to be what society tells you to be. The status quo is stupid. Challenge expectations. Challenge yourself.
Your movie mantra: "Just let go."

Whenever I find myself obsessing over trivial details, things that you might see hashtagged as #firstworldproblems, I hear Ed Norton and Brad Pitt discussing duvet covers over beers. Then I think to myself, "What kind of dining set defines me as a person?"

This is my personal reality check - my self-imposed blast of perspective - that we all need sometimes. Try it. It works.

Auntie Mame

The story: A conservative young man is raised by his eclectic aunt. Her wild ways teach him what's truly important in life.
The lesson: Do what you love. Family is of the utmost importance. Always be yourself. Enjoy life to it's fullest. Never be afraid to try new things. Never stop learning.
Your movie mantra: "Life's a banquet and most poor suckers are starving."

Any time I have a second of self-doubt or a moment of melancholy in which I think, "what the hell am I doing with my life?" I think of the glamorous, beautiful, snarky Rosalind Russell and her joyous insistence, "You've gotta live!"

Who cares what I'm doing? Am I enjoying myself? Am I learning new things? Then that's a win and I need to not worry about anything else.

The Adventures of Baron Munchausen

The story: A young girl and a band of misfits come together to end a war. Many glorious adventures ensue.
The lesson: Some stories are so fantastic, they can become reality. Everyone can do something great if they believe in themselves and try their best. Something doesn't have to be true to be right.
Your movie mantra: "Your reality, sir, is lies and balderdash and I'm delighted to say that I have no grasp of it whatsoever."

I watch this movie any time I'm feeling artistically blocked; it helps remind me of the power of imagination. It also reminds me that doing nothing will get me nothing and that I need to try, if I want to get somewhere.

Harold And Maude

The story: A misanthropic young man defies his mother's wishes and falls in love with an artistic older woman. She teaches him to love life and himself.
The lesson: Be yourself and love who you love. Have fun, no matter what you're doing. Treat others with respect but, don't compromise yourself.
Your movie mantra: "Everyone has the right to make an ass out of themselves."

Any time I feel like I'm getting depressed, I think about all of Bud Cort's faux suicides and their hilarious effect on his mother and I just laugh. Harold and Maude also reminds me to appreciate my friends for their eccentricities and the subtle ways they shape my life for the better.


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